Thursday, August 25, 2011

The fruit we bear

                                        The Fruit We Bear

             I was just sitting here thinking about the "fruit" we are to bear and realized, all of a sudden, that the tree does not eat it's own fruit.... John 15 states that Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches and we are supposed to bear fruit as long as we are connected to the vine which is our source! We cannot bear fruit if we disconnect from the vine, no matter the reason why! That same scripture states that if we don't bear fruit, we are cut away/ and cast into the fire to be burned...anything that is separated from it's source will die unless it's reconnected to the source again. The tree that bears the fruit is fulfilled in that its doing it's job bearing that fruit, even though the fruit will not be eaten by the tree that bore it.... That fuit benefits someone else. It is exactly the case with us! The fruit we bear is for the benefit of Someone else...not necessarily for us. The thing we need to learn is that we are here to first of all bring glory to God, and then fulfill the purpose for which we were created, ministering to the needs of a hurting, dying creation.
                When it comes to music, all the practice time, the woodshedding, the disappointments and rejection/ridicule all work together to help us bear food fruit- make good music. Trees go through seasons of cultivation.... fertilizing, pruning and sometimes weathering of storms before they get to a place that they can even begin to bear fruit. Musicians worth their "salt" will NOT skip the process to get to the end can't anyway.......when we go through the process and deal with all the rough times, the result should be the ability to operate at such a level of proficiency that ANY idea that comes to you should be transferrable to your instrument with little effort....bearing fruit...others then have the opportunity to enjoy what u produce as a musician.
           When we enjoy the fruit form a tree, we can do so without having to partake in the process the tree went through to bear the fruit. People will enjoy the music we produce without having to be in the "shed" with us while we're learning. I guess in short, learn to embrace your process, realizing that the fruit you will bear will be that much sweeter!
            God Bless you till next time.........Bayce3

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