Thursday, September 1, 2011

Working as a Team

                        There is an aspect of what we do as Christians that constantly gets overlooked. We are the body of Christ and just like our natural body, different members have different jobs and those jobs have to be done in an orderly fashion for the body to operate effectively and efficiently. There is a certain "flow" to the way the body operates and just like in our own natural body, sometimes things come in to interrupt the flow and things break down....we have to guard against anything that will disrupt the "flow" and cause us to have to stop and "fix stuff!" There is an established order of things in the body and those are set in place by God. Whenever there is a part that rebels and refuses to operate as it was designed, it is cancerous to the rest of the body and must be removed or it will affect the other parts of the body until the body is destroyed or so disabled that is of little or no use at all! We as Christians need to operate in the several measures that we are created to operate in and not try to be something we weren't designed to be. Doing this will insure that the body operates efficiently and effectively.
                     When it comes to music, it's the same principal....knowing our place in the band and what we are supposed to be contributing to the overall "sound" is imperative if the music is going to be "music" and not just noise! As a bassist, my job is to lock in with my rhythm section partner, the drummer/percussionist to create a rock solid foundation. If at any time I feel it's necessary to compete with them rhythmically instead of complimenting each other I am becoming a "cancer" and firing me will restore the flow that makes music music! Know your job, be proficient AT your job and DO your job. If every member focusses on their own responsibility in the band, then every area will be covered and the music won't sound like two trains hauling a load of drunken cats had a head on collision! Know your Job, be good at your job and do your job......let's make the body work and the music sound like music!
                       Until next time, be blessed.........Bayce3