Saturday, September 24, 2011

Being more God Conscious

           What's good everybody.....(not even sure there is an "everybody" reading this!) just here thinking about being God conscious as opposed to being people conscious. I really think that we can spend so much time worried about how someone else perceives us and what we can do to please them and make them happy until the most important things go for instance how God perceives us! We can have the entire world thoroughly impressed with our actions and antics and they'll all be patting us on the back and congratulating us, giving us ribbons and little plastic gold trophies with "other fake lil men" on them! And we eat it up and ask for more!.....meanwhile, back at the ranch, God is looking at how deficient we are when it come to the things He cares about which is people being MINISTERED to....not entertained! When I say ministered to, I'm talking about needs being met, hungry being fed, naked being clothed, the bound being loosed, sick ones healed....not always standing in some pulpit and bashing them over the head with a Bible! You don't have to tell an alcoholic he's drunk...he already knows that! We spend the majority of our time "jumping through hoops to please lost people" and less time finding out how to please the one who loved us enough to die for us and bring us back to himself so we could reach those same lost folks we spend so much time trying to please! I'm just as guilty as anybody else but that has to change if I'm going to be effective for God! I LOVE people! I don't always like what they do to themselves and to each other but I love them because that's who God is concerned about and we are HIS hands extended on the earth. If we take some inventory of our lives and switch that around, we'll find that when we are more God conscious than we are people conscious, the people will benefit more from being around us than when we are just "performing" for them! Think about it....
      a musician this works out the same way. When I'm hired to do a job as a musician...I want to know what I need to do to fulfill the needs of the person hiring me. First and foremost I need to recognize that my gifts and abilities did not originate with me! God is the giver of the gift and the giver must be the one pleased FIRST with what I do with it! If I play/write/compose/produce music I do that as unto the Lord first and if I can please him with my attitude and motives and results then man's standard will not only be met...but exceeded! God's ways are are higher than my ways and His thoughts than my thoughts so therefore his standards are higher as well! If I'm conscious that whatever I do I do in the presence of the Lord....I will do it with more care and attention to detail than if I were just doing it in the presence of say..."Todd the bandleader!" when we place our focus on the giver of the gift and not the beneficiary of the gift, the beneficiary receives more benefits! Savvy?
             Let's become more God conscious than people's really better for the people we deal with when we do this! God Bless and keep you till next time!


  1. Very well said....Thanks you for sharing and encouraging.

    May God continue to Bless us all!
