Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't eat your own seed!

                   Hello once again! I have a question to ask you.....are you eating your seed?
Let that sink in for a second....just think about it for a minute. God gives us seed to sow...the word says seed to the sower and bread to the eater. The seed is meant to be sown/planted and there should be a crop that is harvested at some point. I have learned something about the feeding of the multitude that I want to may be something you already know so bear with was an eye opener for me. One instance of Jesus feeding a multitude had 5000 men besides the women and children with one person out of them all who had anything to eat at all. The little boy with the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread (read that seed) was willing to take his seed and place it in Jesus' hand and let him multiply that seed so everyone could eat. He could have eaten his own lunch and been full but he chose to "plant his seed" instead. When we choose to eat our seed instead of plant our seed, we are operating out of, living in a place of selfishness. I'm gonna feed ME by eating MY seed and everyone else will have to get their own! Sound familiar? We live around it everyday....we see it all around us...and now people not only want to eat their seed...they want to eat yours too! Because the little boy chose to "plant"his seed, not only did the 5000 men, the women and children eat, but HE also was able to eat from the multiplication of his seed as well! When I'm willing to plant my seed and not eat it....others benefit from it as well as me.
                  When it comes to music and being a musician, I have to be careful about eating my seed too. What I have gained in the form of knowledge and ability as well as experience needs to be planted in others so that it can grow and new seed can come from that to be planted in other places to keep the reproduction and benefits perpetuating. Younger musicians can learn some things that will help them to maybe avoid pitfalls in their development and reach goals faster and more efficiently. If I keep all that to myself, I am selfish and not concerned about what I have to offer growing and developing. I Amy eat from it...but everyone else will starve.
           Make sure that you're not operating from a place of selfishness and eating your own seed....plant your seed....and not just it in the hands of the ONLY one who can bring increase and sustain the multiplication of what you have been trusted with! 
    Until next time, God Bless you!    Bayce3

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