Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Am I my brother's keeper?

Am I my brother's keeper? This question has been asked since the first "children" and is still just as relevant today as it was when Cain asked it. I? I like to believe that we are! Of course many will say "we're supposed to work out our OWN salvation in fear and trembling" this is true, and the word also says that we are to provoke one another to good works and that as iron sharpeneth iron so does a man the countenance of his that "brother." if we are really concerned about working out our salvation with fear and trembling, we'd understand that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around us in an influential manner, affects us in either positive or negative ways concerning our growth! If I Think that scripture means that I'm an individualist, I'm missing it altogether. What my brother does or does not do does affect me! Just look at the children of Israel when they were defeated by the men of Ai....all because Achan had disobeyed the directive given to Joshua by God and stole the items he hid in his tent. IT ABSOLUTELY AFFECTED EVERYONE IN THE CAMP AND NO ONE HAD ANY VICTORY UNTIL THAT WAS DEALT WITH! Same thing when they were in the wilderness and Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses. She became leprous and had to go outside the camp for a period of time until she was clean....the camp DID NOT MOVE until Miraim was brought in again!
Now how does that relate to me being my brother's keeper? This....while I'm working out my own salvation with fear and trembling, I am still part of the body of Christ! Whatever affects one part of the body affects all parts of the body and I will understand that watching my brother "fall" and not confronting him about it will stunt my growth as well as every other member of the body. We should be in a position relationally, that we can speak into each other's lives without being either offended or offensive. And let me plug this in right here....THIS IS NOT TO BE VIEWED AS BEING JUDGEMENTAL OR "SUPER SPIRITUAL EITHER!! we Christians really need to grow some much thicker skin and realize that if I'm messing up and my brother or sister calls me on it, They are doing so to benefit me and also to keep things progressing in the body....not to "be in your business" and certainly not trying to be judgmental....but we must all get there one body!
If I truly love my brothers and sisters I'm not going to stand idly by and let them fall prey to every trap set by the enemy...and if I love my brothers and sisters I shouldn't get defensive and hard to deal with when they're telling me something for my good either! Let's grow up body of Christ....into the mature man we're supposed to be...that's what creation is waiting for...but in order to do that...we have to "watch each other's back!!!"...."say word!"
Be blessed, Bayce3

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