Monday, July 25, 2011

Every race, every tongue, every nation

Hello again brothers and sisters! I am thankful today for the opportunities I've had to worship God with more than just "my own people!" lol I know that might sound strange but we really should get used to and embrace the fact that the body of Christ is made up of more than just one kind of people...*gasp!!!!!* is? mean......there are more than just...."us?" ...ummm......."news flash".....yes! The kingdom of God is made up of people from every tongue and every Nation, as is stated in the book of Revelation. We sometimes get so caught up in our "cultural thing" until we forget that there are others who love God and the Kingdom just like we do and sometimes better! There are many and diverse ways and methods and styles when it comes to worshipping God and as long as they are worshipping the ONE TRUE GOD, they are valid and God enjoys them! There is no one single style of worship that is "better." we DO have preferences as races and nations go but the important thing is that we are all worshipping the same God!
Two organizations immediately come to my mind when thinking about this topic. The first is "HeartBeat for Worship" founded by William Johnson, based in Fayetteville NC. and it was one of my most eye opening experiences being immersed in different cultures from around the world and the ways that they worship God! I realized that.."we don't have it all!" working with Heartbeat and William taught me that we need to reach out to each other and learn each others cultures and languages and styles of'll help us to see God through our other brothers and sister's eyes! It's A wonderful thing indeed....I for one have been enriched by the experience and look forward to MUCH MORE work with Heartbeat and William Johnson! The other is a newer organization that is much closer to home for me and that's "Until the Whole World Hears." this is an organization of local churches in the Eastern NC area who were previously separated due to racial, cultural, theological and various other differences! All of which are invalid in the eyes of God!!! HE is calling his body together now and it is futile to resist, because resistance is rebellion when it comes to what God has said and you'll be "pruned" away from the vine...not being able to bear any fruit! we witnessed a miracle in Carteret county this past weekend! People who once literally hated each other were worshipping, crying, eating and laughing together!!! Only God can do such a thing as this! As a musician, I've had opportunity to bond with and play with musicians from all over the world as a result of these two ministries and I don't intend to "hustle backwards" and return to the "old wine" any time in the foreseeable future! Learning the music and instruments and worship styles of different cultures has enhanced my own culture and is becoming the culture of the Kingdom! Coming together with the body of Christ is a beautiful thing and holding on to our "little cultural differences" is counterproductive at best...rebellious at worst! Musicians.....broaden your horizons and become more well rounded by learning some things your brothers and sisters are doing in other parts of the Kingdom of'll be richer for the experience!
God Bless and Keep All of you!!! Bayce3

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