Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't be afraid of your Leadership

Ok this blog is for all those out there who have real issues and are afraid for one reason or another to approach their leadership with them! The word tells us to know those that labor among us and are over us in the Lord.....this speaks directly to building a relationship with our Leaders that doesn't cross the line of "familiarity" but building that relationship so that we know their heart and the direction (vision) that God has established for them to go in. We are to definitely hold them up as leaders but at the same time, get to know them so when issues arise...and they will...we can sit down with them and they can hear our hearts on the matter and judge justly on it. I feel For those who, under tyrannical reign, are not allowed to even get to know those who are in Leadership over them, let alone voice their various issues in hope of receiving wise counsel! One of the problems the church is having right now is "obesity!" and by that I mean....the body sometimes grows SO LARGE (read that SOME mega-churches) that the leaders don't know who's in there and those being lead feel like just a number...lost in a crowd....feeling very insignificant and forgotten! I'm not speaking against mega churches necessarily, just the fact that this epidemic of "obesity" is causing the body to lose sight of the vision that the leaders have sometimes and small issues arise and chock the wheels of progress by keeping us at eachother's throats about what mostly amounts to meaningless nonsense!........if you have an ought against your brother...or sister....GO TO THEM first and try to reason together, if that doesn't work, take another brother or sister with you....the next one is taking it to leadership! I thank God for having Leaders who are concerned about EVERY member of the flock they are shepherding and want to see the word manifest in our walk every day of our lives!
Ok I said all that because I have had experience in this area and at one time thought my leaders didn't have time for my "little stuff." so I held it in and held it in till one day it exploded! When everything came to a head, it was not a pretty scene and caused some hurt on my part and on the part of my Leadership....all because of a lack of communication! If I had gone to them when the problems first arose, it never would have come to that point....and some of that hurt and misunderstanding could have been avoided.....the good news is I've come to have a much greater respect and appreciation for the office they have and for the things they must deal with daily....prompting much more serious prayer on their behalf from me! They in turn now have a greater level of understanding of me and the part I play in the local a musician/ minister/& servant. In some ways, I am grateful for the "blow-up" because it has brought us closer together and cemented the "every joint supplies" mentality that every part of the body of Christ should have!
Don't be afraid of your leaders.... The other part of that scripture is...esteem them very highly for their work's sake and be at peace among yourselves.....let's have peace brothers and sisters.....this is how every joint will supply smoothly.....especially if the relationship with the leaders is intact and there is an open line of communication that is unhindered by anything that chocks the wheels of progress....let us go on!
Blessings, Bayce3

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