Monday, July 11, 2011

Going beyond just networking....

Well here it is.....time to blog again! Lol I was sitting here at work thinking about the events of the past few weeks and months and have noticed a running theme in my dealings with other musicians as well as at my local Church. Lately there has been a REAL emphasis placed on Fellowship and Relationship as opposed to JUST the cold and businesslike interaction of "networking." I'm definitely not saying that networking is a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination but I think more SOLID and trustworthy contacts can be made through Fellowshipping and building relationship.....wherever possible of course! Some situations will not afford the luxury of doing this and exchanging contact info and conducting business is sometimes the best way of handling SOME people and businesses!....( you know what I mean!) I think the purpose of this blog is to address the all too common trend in the body of Christ of "networking" without getting to know that other member of the body who is a PART OF YOU! I don't think our bodies are even designed that way because our bodies and it's various parts all depend on each other to do their jobs and when one part is down or not functioning at 100% the other parts come to the aid of the part that is in need and MINISTERS to that part until it's whole again! The body of Christ has, in some ways, become more like a business than a body or single organism....we have these huge conferences (read that "backslapping, number exchanging, "hook-up" parties.....did I say that?.....yes...yes I did!) and we have these mega-churches with thousands of members and most of them NEVER experience any type of fellowship and building of relationship among the local assembly members! It's really sad to go to this huge building with thousands of people every week and leave every week STILL not knowing the people you sat next to, let alone who was in section 4 seat 35.... Of the 3rd balcony! As a body we need to think more about Fellowshipping and building relationship with the folks who will be around us for all won't just be good for then.....but it'll give us some idea of how to address issues they may be dealing with right now, in this life! The body knows when it's parts are injured or sick and it knows this because of the complex systems of nerves and synapses and others that constantly send information to the "head/brain"....the brain in turn directs the other various parts to minister to that hurting part in certain ways until it's good again
What about the body of Christ? Jesus is the "head" and we are the body....our system of connection is the Holy Spirit, who ALWAYS knows the mind of the Father, so how is it that we sometimes still don't know how each other are doing with certain things, or if our brother or sister is hurt or has been offended....till we wind up in court!....when Jesus comes back, it's going to be for a complete body, that functions like it's supposed to with no spot or wrinkle! We can go a long way towards unity and wholeness in the body by putting aside petty issues and breaking down walls of division and segregation that have kept us apart for literally centuries and just get it done....brothers and sisters.....we each have a unique thing to offer the body.....every joint supplies.......let's start supplying!

God Bless you all!!! Bayce3

1 comment:

  1. It seems like we are on the same page here! Thanks for the support...BTW, love your playing!
