Thursday, July 7, 2011

Continuing to represent God in the marketplace....

I felt I needed to continue this blog feed because maybe someone doesn't understand how I can function in the marketplace as a musician (I'm applying this stuff to me first) and still be saved and Love God!.......well.....the same way you do what you do and maintain/work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.....I refuse to allow what is going on around me affect who I am in Christ! Let me explain by asking a the the one in you still greater than he that is in the world...or has he somehow gotten "weak and frail?"....hmmmm???? The Christ IN you should be so much stronger than what's happening all around you that when you walk into a room, things should instantly change and or settle down, get in order, come to attention...or whatever needs to happen because of the one on the inside of you. Now if every time you walk into (or in my particular case work/play @)a restaurant or establishment that sells alcohol, you come out as drunk as everybody else, or maybe walking past the tobacco case at the grocery store causes you to buy cigarettes, you may have an "issue" with your relationship with the probably means the one inside of you is still you and not him!......
Let's examine this a little further....if Christ has already won the battle and the war and he really lives on the inside of you, then your environment SHOULD NOT CHANGE YOU INTO WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS!!!!! Take a step back and realize that wherever you find yourself, you may be the only hope those folks have of ever knowing the love of Christ!They don't have time for us to be weak and insecure Christians...they need answers now! If you aren't strong enough to be around some of these folks/places and not do what they do or act like they act and talk like they talk, then stay in the "salt shaker" till enough salt rubs off on you to be REALLY salty...sometimes we have to to get a bunch of "grains" to go with us so we don't turn into chameleons! In the necessary maintenance to keep your relationship strong with the Lord and watch him change the environments you walk into! Go with God and go with


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