Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Blood.....applied even to my musicianship

Hello once again weary travelers!...Pull up a chair, pour yourself a glass of iced tea and let's chat for a minute! I have had my eyes opened to a seldom expounded upon aspect of our lives as a Christian and all that this applies to (jobs, careers, family, school, skills...etc.) The Blood of Jesus! We have always been told, albeit from largely a religious perspective, about coming through the Blood to be saved but rarely have we been told/ taught just how much the BLOOD affects EVERYTHING concerning us! The Blood is THE ONLY WAY WE CAN COME TO THE FATHER FOR ANYTHING....salvation, redemption, healing, peace, wholeness. Financial and natural provision for everyday existence...etc. The BLOOD grants us access to our Heavenly fact the BLOOD is the ONLY reason we can even call Him "Father!" I learned that anything we receive from our heavenly Father is purely because He is honoring the Blood of His Son Jesus....not because of has very nearly NOTHING to do with's because as I've come through the BLOOD, I "come with the package!" The BLOOD is the key to anything I have need of from my Father and it's because I'm now a son as well....but not on my own merit.....there is nothing I (we) can do to "earn" it (sonship) no amount of money can buy it, no scale, lick, phrase, clever jazzy quote or technical facility on my instrument (musicians) will convince the Father to make me a Son (gifts and callings are without repentance) We are only sons because of the BLOOD sacrifice of our forerunning elder brother Jesus.....nothing else! humbling is that?!!! does that affect the rest of the stuff??? Well speaking from a musical standpoint, I could be an absolute tune slaying monster on my instrument with technical facility beyond earthly comparison and receive praise from men, multiple Grammy's, Stellars, Dove, Essence, BET and whatever other kind of award you can think of, be out from under the BLOOD, wind up in hell, eternally separated from the Father ( who issued the gift) never to have another chance to reach his heart or Bless Him at all.....and there are so many musicians out here doing just that. The BLOOD makes me a SON and not only redeems me but redeems my gift and grants me access to play to my Father's heart and Bless Heaven, but ONLY because of the BLOOD can I do this....not because I'm a monster....plenty of those walking around...dime a dozen! that BLOOD makes what I play and sing COUNT, and MATTER to the Father and to creation on a level that cannot be measured by man's standards or any award committee! The BLOOD changes the game for us completely players! we can go out there as a light in the middle of these dark places and the enemy's stronghold on our fellow musicians and singers can be broken because you cannot really be a Son of God and NOT be anointed to break the bands of the enemy and reclaim property that belongs to God! The BLOOD empowers me to not only play beautiful music but to play music that the Father directs me to play that will DESTROY the yoke of the thought you were a monster before the BLOOD?....try letting GOD play through you! Lolol...."Fahgittaboutit!"
I am still learning about the BLOOD but after last night....everything changed and I'm looking forward to being much much more effective as a musician and as a Christian....but more importantly, because of the a SON!
Bless you!

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