Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Representing God in the marketplace

What's happenin fellow musicians, singers and writers!! I'm glad to be back to blogging again as I stepped away for a minute to get focused on some other things.....probably shouldn't have stopped!....but that's for another time! I just wanted to have a place to address some very real issues we face everyday as Christians in the marketplace, working alongside people who are sometimes hostile towards what we believe and know to be true! had BETTER KNOW IT TO BE TRUE TOO...because as we all know, you will be tested on your steadfastness and commitment to God! I have at times (as I'm sure some/most of you have as well) taken some jobs that made me feel uncomfortable for one reason or another but had to maintain and do my job because of my committing to do the of the main things we have to do as Christians functioning in the world marketplace is to make sure that our relationship with God is so strong that NOTHING or NO ONE can separate us from him! There are fleshly temptations to deal with in our profession.....comes with the territory! I remember being on tour and stopping in Amarillo, Tx for a day or two off and goin to the mall only to be followed around by a group of girls who wanted to know if we were a band and of so where were we staying? It was a Gospel group and we weren't even known!!! Once had a young lady ask me the same question during a dinner break after a soundcheck...she was making my sandwich At a sub shop...I told her we were doing a Worship Conference at a nearby University Campus and she promptly asked me if she could be a "groupie!" watchful! Anyway, feel free to share your experiences on here....I welcome input and covet your prayers as we effectively represent Christ in the marketplace! God Bless and Keep you till the next entry!



  1. I love the thought that we must make sure that our relationship with God is so strong that nothing can separate us from him. That is something that each of us can start with. And every relationship starts with communication. So I gotta talk to Him every chance I get. And just like any other relationship, I must be honest.
    Not honest with Him, but honest with myself.

  2. You are correct about being honest with ourselves! God already knows what we have issues with and the areas we're weak in relationally with him and with each other, because our "horizontal relationships" often mirror our "vertical" one. It definitely calls for maintenance on our part to keep it up....WE are the ones who have trouble with keeping covenant! I appreciate the input...comment is right on! God Bless you!
